About Moff

Moff started his unplugging journey in October of 2020 when he first found the Entrepreneurs in Cars Youtube Channel.  Like many, he discovered Rich Cooper's content as a result of a failed relationship, and went looking for answers. He quickly learned the ins and outs of how to properly navigate the dating and attraction world, becoming an immediate asset to Rich's private men's community. 

He has taken his life into his own hands and improved it in ways he never thought were possible - all because he was willing to do the work.  He strives to achieve excellence in the Four Pillars of Masculinity: Strength, Courage, Skill, and Honor, while empowering men to do the same.  He has become one of Rich's closest allies and a trustworthy and loyal confidant.

Moff believes that to have success in this life as a man, you must build a tribe of other strong, virtuous, masculine men that are working towards a common goal and that rely on one another to achieve that goal.  You must keep the losers, time-wasters, energy vampires, and other detrimental people out of your life at all costs.  You must cut people free from your life that have become anchors that weigh you down, and fill your tribe with people that are sails that propel you forward.

"The only thing separating you from where you are now and where you want to be, is the work it takes to get there."