"When I was betrayed by the people I loved and trusted most, the anger and hurt was overwhelming and I started to engage in activities that endangered my life as an attempt to release the emotion. I didn't have any direction and was on a path of self-destruction. Moff spoke truth and strength into me and helped me channel my anger and hurt into productive activities instead of destroying myself. This moment was pivotal in my growth, saved my life and gave me purpose and direction. I am eternally grateful for his patience and insight in the hardest season of my life."

Phil S.

"Moff's no-nonsense and direct approach is refreshing in a world of platitudes and political correctness. I appreciate that he gets right to the point - without BS - and calls others out when needed. His authenticity and willingness to expose his own vulnerabilities are the reasons I trust this dude!"

Duncan M.

"Moff is the kind of guy that can bring instant clarity on where you are getting off path and/or where you actions are misaligned with your interests. He is a purist in this sense and doesn't pull punches. He is loyal to his circle and those he invests his time in. He won't suffer those who fail to put in the work and complain." 

Robert K.

"Moff has a knack for breaking down complex ideas into clear and concise messages that help others get better results with women and life. He is authentic and knows how to keep his emotions in check. He does not shy away from asking difficult questions or challenging other peoples' belief systems which more often than not leads to either personal growth, or at the very least a healthy debate. I do recommend him.”

Dimitri R.

"Coming out of divorce from a 16 year marriage, and being lost and anxiety-filled in the dating market at 40 years old, Moff patiently listened to my struggles and concerns. His solid advice and plan of action has proved to be invaluable. His understanding of intersexual dynamics in modern society is genuine as it comes from a man that talks the talk and walks the walk."

Casey B.

“Through Moff's content, you are able to understand why surrounding yourself with a pact of trustworthy men is important for your personal and professional achievements. Through his coaching calls, you are able leave with a better understanding of why you must be a diligent person, and a great communicator. Moff can be a patient person and tends to speak in an authentic manner to you. I recommend him if you are looking to develop the traits a successful modern man needs in life.”

Daniel L.

"I highly recommend Moff - he has a way of quickly cutting through the static in an entertaining but relatable way, and helps you cut through the nonsense we all fill our heads with. He’s a big proponent of personal accountability and will help you take yourself to that next level of being a better man.”

Rick W.

"Moff consistently offers unique and valuable insight into dating, relationships, and general social skills which I struggle with at times. I learn something new every time I listen to him, and find myself more successful in dating and general well-being when applying his advice. Highly recommended." 

Ron D.